| 1. | A proximity sensor measures the relative distance between the sensor and objects in the environment 接近传感器测量环境中传感器和对象之间相对的距离。 |
| 2. | Remove doubles - merges all of the selected vertices whose relative distance is below a given threshold ( 0 . 001 by default ) 双精度移除-在给予阀值下的相对距离合并所有选择点(默认值是0 . 001 ) 。 |
| 3. | This method thinks over not only the ordinal relation of attribute values , but also the relative distance of attribute values 此方法不仅考虑了属性值之间的序关系,而且考虑了属性值之间的相对大小关系。 |
| 4. | In this paper a program for computing the relative distance of the blades of two propellers in mesh is instroduced and the change of the ralative distance is analysed with the orthogonal methods 摘要本文对啮合式双桨桨叶相对位置提出了计算程序,并对相对位置的变化用正交设计法进行了分析。 |
| 5. | The location of cities , roads , and political boundaries that exist on the surface of the earth are projected onto a two - dimensional display or piece of paper , preserving the relative positions and relative distances of the rendered objects 实际的城市,道路,及行政区划边界被投影为二维的图形,保留了原来的相对位置及相对距离,并可进行显示或打印。 |
| 6. | By using sliding mode control approaches , we consider a two - vehicle team in leader - follower configuration that is required to follow a prescribed trajectory while maintaining a desired relative distance , relative bearing angle and heading orientation 考虑了两个机器人组成的领航者跟随者机器人模型,通过滑模控制使它们沿预定的轨迹运动并保持预定的相对距离、方位角及运动方向。 |
| 7. | Suggestion : cinsidering all of the factors synthetically , in order to obtaining a better temperature environ mentwe should use the greenhouse adopted damp curtain ventilator cooling system , the depth ( the relative distance between damp curtain and ventilator ) of the greenhouse had better no more than 50m 建议:综合诸多因数考虑,为保证温室内有良好的温度环境,拟采用湿帘-风机降温系统的温室,温室的距离(湿帘与风机的相对距离)最好不要超过50米。 |
| 8. | We prove theoretically that under certain reasonable assumptions the formation is asymptotically stable even wills bounded disturbances ; that is , the proposed sliding mode controller can asymptotically stabilize the errors in relative distance , relative bearing and heading direction , respectively 在合理的假设下,从理论上证明了存在有界干扰情形下机器人编队的渐近稳定性,即所设计的滑模控制器使得相对距离误差、方位角误差及运动方向误差渐近稳定。 |
| 9. | The properties of spontaneous emission depend not only on the relative position of the resonant frequency from the edge of the photonic band gap and the photonic mode density but also on the relative distance of the atomic space position from the sidebrand . and we study other property of spontaneous emission 其性质除了依赖于原子上能级与光子频率带隙边缘的相对位置或光子态密度,还依赖于原子的空间位置与侧支距离。并对原子的自发辐射的其它特性进行了分析。 |
| 10. | Advantages , disadvantages and limits of arm are thoroughly examined using signal processing methods . based on the above , incoherent and coherent two - point - source decoy methods and modified coherent two - point - source decoy methods to deflect arm are brought forward . arm ’ s homing heads are generally of mono - pulse structure , so coherent two - point - source ’ s interference resembles that to mono - pulse radar except that interference to radar belongs to far field scope , but interference to arm varies from far field to near field because relative distance drastically changes between the homing head and the two - point - source with missile ’ s homing head continually approaching the target Arm的导引头一般为单脉冲体制,因此,相干两点源对导引头的干扰类同于对单脉冲雷达的干扰,不同的是:对雷达的干扰都是远场,而导引头随着导弹不断接近目标,两点源与导引头的相对位置发生剧烈变化,由远场变化到近场;导引头天线口面上的合成场也发生了大的变化,相位波前的畸变产生干扰,这就是相干两点源诱偏的基本思想。 |